Nuova Rubrica Vignette D.E.I. !!!

Ciao a tutt3!!!
A scrivervi è Chiara, appartenente al team grafico dell’associazione D.E.I. Futuro Antirazzista. 

Ho deciso di aprire una rubrica del tutto nuova, unendo la mia passione per le arti, in particolare i fumetti, al mio desiderio di promulgare un’ educazione antirazzista, mostrando come D.E.I. possa fare Artivismo non solo attraverso la cultura, ma anche attraverso le vignette.

Ogni due giovedì, alternandomi con le riflessioni colorate, condividerò una striscia o una vignetta ispirata agli argomenti trattati sui social e sul sito di D.E.I.

Testi e disegni saranno totalmente creati da me, questo tuttavia ha dei limiti: nonostante legga e ascolti molto, e mi ritenga una persona piuttosto empatica, alcune cose le subisco direttamente, ma altre no. La mia esperienza sarà sempre limitata a quella di una persona bianca che sa benissimo di non poter portare alla luce tramite i fumetti esperienze che non vivrà mai. Da sola non potrei mai farlo, so che non potrò mai capire. In D.E.I. tuttavia, ho trovato ispirazione e supporto, persone con una consapevolezza diversa dalla mia che possono aiutarmi a dare voce ai miei personaggi e mostrare questa maniera di fare artivismo a 360 gradi.

Amplificare ulteriormente la voce delle comunità marginalizzate è un’esigenza che sento fortemente e forse è il motivo principale per cui faccio fumetti. E poi intrattenere e magari divertire, anche. 

Sono molto grata per questo spazio e spero che starete bene in compagnia dei miei personaggi.

A presto!



Hello! Today, we are introducing a brand-new column! Chiara, a member of the D.E.I.’s graphic team, will be sharing, every other Thursday, comic strips and cartoons inspired by the topics discussed on our social media and website. Chiara creates both the texts and drawings, but she acknowledges the limitations of her perspective as a white person. Within D.E.I., she has found inspiration and support from individuals with a different awareness and lived experiences, who can help her give voice to her characters.

We hope this new way of doing artivism at D.E.I. will make you feel represented and that you will have fun, too.

Let us know what topics you would like to see in the cartoons!


Can you do activism through art? Absolutely, it’s called artivism! We will do that through comics, thanks to a new column. Every other Thursday, Chiara, a member of D.E.I.’s graphics team, will share comic strips and cartoons inspired by the topics discussed on our social media and website.

Chiara is responsible for both the texts and drawings, but she acknowledges the limitations of her perspective as a white person. Within D.E.I., she has found inspiration and support from individuals with a different awareness and lived experiences, who can help her give voice to her characters.

We aim to give representation, entertain and amuse, all while taking a 360-degree approach to artivism!

Hello everyone!!!

I’m Chiara, a member of D.E.I.’s graphic team and I am thrilled to introduce a brand-new column. Combining my passion for art, especially comics, with my desire to promote anti-racist education, I want to show how D.E.I. can do Artivism not only through culture, but also through cartoons.

Every two Thursdays, alternating with colorful reflections, I will share comic strips and cartoons inspired by the topics discussed on our social media and website.

I create the texts and drawings myself, but this has its limits. Even though I read and listen a lot, and I consider myself a rather empathetic person, there are experiences I cannot directly understand or represent. My experience will always be limited to that of a white person who knows very well that I cannot bring to light comics experiences that I will never live. I could never do it alone; I know that I will never fully understand. In D.E.I., however, I have found inspiration and support, people with a different awareness and lived experiences, who can help me give voice to my characters, all while taking a 360-degree approach to artivism!

Amplifying the voices of marginalized communities is a cause I deeply care about and perhaps it is the main reason why I create comics. And maybe it is also to entertain and amuse. 

I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I hope you will enjoy the company of my characters. 

See you soon!


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